The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
Closed PRESALE in TITLE Cielo, Rawai continues 86% (147 out of 171) of apartments were sold in 8 hours at the closed sales launch. 1BR 1 Bedroom (42m2) LX, 2.7m Ceilings 1 Bedroom + Kitchen-Liv...
Новый кондо TITLE Cielo Раваи. В первый день старта закрытых продаж было продано 90% комплекса. ЭТО НЕ ПЕРЕПРОДАЖА, на все квартиры сохраняются цены и скидки закрытого старта...
Closed PRESALE in TITLE Cielo, Rawai continues
86% (147 out of 171) of apartments were sold in 8 hours at the closed sales launch
A406 - 1BR 1 Bedroom (42m2) LX 1 Bedroom + Kitchen-Living...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
The Title Cielo Rawai is a stunning new residential complex located in the heart of Rawai, Phuket, crafted by the renowned developer Rhom Bho Property. This low-rise complex features four elegant buil...
We currently have 20 properties listed for sale at The Title Cielo Rawai available from ฿3,790,000 to ฿16,700,000. Unit types range from 1 bedroom to 2 bedroom properties.
The Title Cielo Rawai has the following facilities: Communal Pool, Jacuzzi, Communal Gym, Clubhouse, 24H Security, CCTV (Video Surveillance), Indoor Kids Zone, Reception / Lobby Area, Co-Working Space / Meeting Room, Indoor Games Room, Mini Theater, Kids Pool, Outdoor Kids Zone, Library / Reading Room, Communal Garden Area and Key card access.
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